jin0000 制药与环境工程系 副主任
担任中国化学学会会员、江苏省诱变剂学会青年委员、中国药科大学jin0000青年学者联合会秘书长、环境领域知名杂志 Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology (RECT, JCR Q1) 以及Eco-Environment & Health (EEH) 青年编委、西交利物浦大学教学创新大赛评审标准委员会委员(2019年至今)
1. 环境负荷干扰下的神经毒性效应
2. 污染物降解机制与生物相应关键基因
3. 过程强化处理与生物分子调控机理
4. 绿色生产与碳中和技术
担任Science of the Total Environment, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Chemosphere, Environmental Pollution, Environmental Science and Pollution Research等期刊审稿人。
Ruixin Guo#, Yingxiang Du#, Fengzhu Zheng, Jing Wang, Zhiliang Wang, Rong Ji, Jianqiu Chen*, Bioaccumulatio nand elimination of bisphenol a (BPA) in the alga Chlorella pyrenoidosa and the potential for trophic transfer to the rotifer Brachionus calyciflorus, Environ. Pollut. 227 (2017) 460-467.
Yingxiang Du, Jing Wang, Zhiliang Wang, Oscar Lopez, Torres, Ruixin Guo*, Jianqiu Chen*, Exogenous organic carbon as an artificial enhancement method to assist the algal antibiotic treatment system, J. Clean. Prod., 194 (2018) 624-634.
Ling Zhang#, Ruixin Guo#; Haitao Li, Qiong Du, Jilai Lu, Yaxin Huang, Zhengyu Yan*, Jianqiu Chen*, Mechanism analysis for the process-dependent driven mode of NaHCO3 in algal antibiotic removal: efficiency, degradation pathway and metabolic response, J. Hazard. Mater. 394 (2020) 122531.
Qiulian Yang, Haitao Li, Dong Wang, Xiaochun Zhang, Xiangqian Guo, Shaochen Pu, Ruixin Guo*, Jianqiu Chen*, Utilization of chemical wastewater for CO2 emission reduction: Purified terephthalic acid (PTA) wastewater-mediated culture of microalgae for CO2 bio-capture, Appl. Energy, 276 (2020) 115502.
Jian Ke, Yuhui Ge, Qiulian Yang, Yanhua Liu, Pau-Loke Show, Ruixin Guo*, Jianqiu Chen*, Degradation of sulfamethazine using sludge-derived photocatalysts from dyeing industry and livestock farm: preparation and mechanism, J. Hazard. Mater., 440 (2022) 129837.
Qiulian Yang, Jian Ke, Haitao Li, Xiangqian Guo, Dong Wang, Yanhua Liu, Jianqiu Chen*, Ruixin Guo*, Waste carbon conversion and utilization in chemical wastewater treatment process: Experimental approaches from lab-to pilot-scale, Sep. Purif. Technol. 308 (2023) 122884.
Fanrui Yu, Yanhua Liu, Wuyue Wang, Shunsong Yang, Yaqian Gao, Wei Shi, Haiyan Hou, Jianqiu Chen, Ruixin Guo*, Toxicity of TPhP on the gills and intestines of zebrafish from the perspectives of histopathology, oxidative stress and immune response, Sci. Total Environ 908 (2024) 168212.