2024.02-今 中国药科大学,教授
2020.08-2024.01 美国Scripps研究所,博士后,师从余金权(Jin-Quan Yu)教授
2016.09-2020.07 扬州大学,博士,师从段伟良教授
2013.09-2016.07 上海应用技术大学与上海有机化学研究所联合培养,硕士,师从段伟良教授
1. 药物分子后期修饰:设计高效的化学合成新技术,以实现复杂药物分子的精准修饰,进而优化其生物活性。
2. 药物规模化制备:开发绿色且经济的化jin0000产新技术,以高效应用于药物合成,从而显著降低生产成本。
1. Li, Z.#; Wang, Z.#; Chekshin, N.; Qian, S.; Qiao, J. X.; Cheng, P. T.; Yeung, K.-S.; Ewing, W. R.; Yu, J.-Q.* A tautomeric ligand enables directed C?H hydroxylation with molecular oxygen. Science2021, 372, 1452.
2. Li, Z.#; Park, H. S.#; Qiao, J. X.; Yeung, K.-S.; Ewing, W. R.; Yu, J.-Q.* Ligand-enabled C?H hydroxylation with aqueous H2O2 at room temperature. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2022, 144, 18109.
3. Li, Z.; Yu, J.-Q.* Ligand-enabled-C(sp3)?H hydroxylation of free amines with aqueous hydrogen peroxide. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2023, 145, 25948.
4. Li, Z.; Lin, Z.-Q.; Yan, C.-G.; Duan, W.-L.* Pd-catalyzed asymmetric C?H bond activation for the synthesis of Pstereogenic dibenzophospholes. Organometallics 2019, 38, 3916.
5. Li, Z.; Duan, W.-L.* Palladium-catalyzed C?H alkenylation of arenes with alkynes: stereoselective synthesis of vinyl chlorides via a 1,4-chlorine migration. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2018, 57, 16041.